Wroclaw hiriaren soundscape-a

  1. The Soundscape Research Studio was created in 2009 at the Institute of Cultural Studies of the University of Wrocław. Behind its range of activities lies the idea of research on the soundscape advanced by the Canadian composer and musical thinker R. Murray Schafer, the initiator of the World Soundscape Project, the basic concepts of which found a continuation in the activities of the World Forum for Acoustic Ecology (WFAE). The activities of our centre comprise a wide range of research and organizational initiatives, and in particular the interdisciplinary study of issues regarding Wrocław soundscapes, the organization of field research on the acoustic environment, documentation of soundscapes in the form of a sound archive, the creation of a public discussion forum regarding soundscape problems (discussion meetings, lectures, presentations, workshops), as well as educational work at the University of Wrocław, conducted within the cultural studies program and the musicology program.
  2. Address:The Soundscape Research Studio
    Institute of Cultural Studies
    University of Wrocław
    ul. Szewska 50, 50-139 Wrocław


    Akademicka procesja Bożego Ciała

    30.05.2013 (czwartek), godz. 21.30
    Sprzęt: ZOOM h4n, Nagrywająca: Wioleta Muras
    Warunki: temp. 17 st. C, duża wilgotność, po zmroku, momentami opady deszczu


Akademicka procesja Bożego Ciała

Harriek badakite / Stones know

Harriek badakite… Eta ixildu egiten dira

harriek badakite basoan gerta ohi dana

eta lur gainean, belar-izpietan

eta lurpean, lurraren erraietan,

eta arnasten duren aidean

eta karesatzen dituen aizean…

harriek ba dakite

-dena begi, dena belarri-

zer nahi denaren berri…

harriek badakite… eta ixildu egiten dira.

Juan Inazio Goikoetxea


Stones know… and they go silent

stones know what happens in forests

and above the earth, in grass rays

and under the earth, in the earth’s guts,

and in the air they breathe,

and in the wind that caresses them…

stones know

-all eyes, all ears-

about what is wanted…

stones know… and they go silent.

Juan Inazio Goikoetxea




Desagertu egin zen Polonia

Hurrun dago 1945.

Polonia bezain hurrun pentsa dezaket.

Hurruntasun eta distantziak memoria eta mapak sortzen dituzte.

Gaur jakin izan dut nola 1492an Polonia eta Lituaniak elkarrekin 1.115.000 km2-tako azalera hartzen zuten, Europako lurralde handiena; 1793rako Poloniak 215.000 km2-tako tamaina zuen, Erresuma Batuaren azalera berdina eta nola 1795ean guztiz desagertu zen.





midnight show


The central post office is always open until midnight.

The gallery in front of the post office only opens from midnight to one o´clock in the morning.

Later, in my way home, I walk, there is no tramwaj this late at night.

I  cross Pomorski bridge and I see a friend by the  bank of  the river Odra. I shout his name in the dark and he answers back something about his Vasconian friends.

A young princess

Today I met my first Polish friend. Her name is Justina. She could be the young Wrotizla princess, between Polish, Czech and German. Her crown: a shiny blue hairdo.


I told her about HIRIKIT and how I would like to know something about her relationship with this old city. She gave me her telephone number. We arranged to meet on the weekend. Great.

Asking strangers to share their experience and intimacy excites me very much, as if a mysterious world could suddenly open in front of me.